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Donate an animal!

Outside the small Supervalu Supermarket there is a notice and on the top it states "Bando". I believe that these are official announcements from the Town Hall. Word for word the announcement states:

MAKE IT KNOWN: All residents interested in donating an animal for the traditional "RECOGIDA DE LA GALLINA" (Hen collection) can go to any of the Town Hall offices to put there name and address down on the list.
The collection will take place as it is traditional on 16th January, after the mass service.

Does anyone on the forum know what this is all about?

La Marina

They can have my Hen,
ouch, oooo, ahhhhh, sorry Darling didn't mean it,, was a joke, honest.
Anyone know of a good restaurant open that serves people covered in Spag. Bol.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-12-30 18:32:34 UTC

I don't know how Marion has put up with you all these years Robert ha ha x

Commented Carol in La Marina 2012-12-31 10:15:31 UTC

This no joke. I have just seen it on an Ayuntamiento poster outside Iceland. I assume it must have something to do with the fiesta for San Anton, the patron saint of animals. But why is the council asking for people to donate an animal?

Commented Don in La Marina 2013-01-03 10:07:33 UTC

Don, this is no joke, but it might help explain things a little bit.

The Town Hall of San Fulgencio is organising, as in previous years, the Feast of the Brotherhood in Paraje El Oasis, with the aim to bring together the town to celebrate the fiestas for their patr. ( I would like them to bless Oasis infrastructure while their at it )
San Fulgencio is this week is celebrating its fiestas ( and it lasts all week )in honour of its patron saint of the same name, and its co-patron, San Antonio Abad. They are fiestas that have a strong religious touch, with processions on to honour the saints and the blessings of animals and the bread on San Antí³n.
But there are also popular and traditional customs of these fiestas that are not so religious, such as the 'recogida de la gallina' (the collecting of the chicken) in which members of the local authorities run through the town accompanied by a marching band and those that want to are offered an animal.
The fiestas finishes with the traditional Feast of the Brotherhood, where all the townsfolk meet up in the El Oasis parish, to share a meal.

This Fiesta involves lots and lots of Fireworks big bangy ones, which again is no joke especially for animal owners and lovers

Commented Robert in La Marina 2013-01-03 11:57:00 UTC

Robert, I asked a friend about this procession that will take place on 16th, in fact it is not a procession to give out animals as you suggested. It is a procession where the Mayor ACCEPTS DONATIONS OF LIVE ANIMALS ( not just chickens) from the locals. During the procession the animals are handed over by the locals to the Mayor and then they are strung up by there legs on a pole ALIVE and carried by two men throughout the whole procession.
Food for the needy NO. Later they will be slaughtered for the feast of brotherhood lunch in El Oasis the following Saturday!

Commented Roger in La Marina 2013-01-13 08:56:52 UTC

I hope your friend is wrong, I realy do.I copied and pasted mine from a Newspaper, but they have aso been known to be wrong.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2013-01-13 10:17:31 UTC

A search on the Internet has revealed this article that appeared in The Leader newspaper in 2007.
I believe this is an ancient tradition for this area and it does involve the collection of live animals on 16th January every year. A different traditional event takes place the following day which is the blessing of the animals (people's pets) by the local priest outside the church.
I suppose the best way to find out is to follow the procession this Wednesday in San Fulgencio which according to the fiesta program starts at 1pm.

Commented Roger in La Marina 2013-01-13 22:16:02 UTC

I've just been and watched this procession. And yes - the animals were 100% ALIVE. I'm afraid I left when there were 4 LIVE chickens, a LIVE goose and a LIVE rabbit all strung up on a pole. I decided enough was enough - and left at that point. Forget politics, forget tradition - it is just, quite simply, in my opinion totally immoral to string up live birds and animals like that.

Commented janineb in La Marina 2013-01-16 13:44:54 UTC

should have gone to the village today to see all the live stock on the pole .......quite a good day

Commented paula in La Marina 2013-01-16 15:41:01 UTC

Well Marie - if you think stringing live animals up on poles makes it "a good day" either you are sick or a wind-up merchant.

Commented janineb in La Marina 2013-01-16 17:55:41 UTC

Hope all those who are going to the Feast of the Brotherhood on the Oasis enjoy there food,personally I would stuff it down the throats of the Mayor and his Chronies,If it is true that these creatures are strung up by there feet and attached to a pole then exhibited to the public before being fed to people who then eat what has been seriously mistreated in public.
Personally perhaps we could arrange to have the poles stuck up the Mayors a---h---e.
If this is a joke its in poor taste,if it is true,it is hideous

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-01-16 19:00:26 UTC

Alan - I can assure you it is 100% true. I saw it with my own eyes. As did the mayor, the priest, and many others. I saw live chickens, a goose and a rabbit with their legs tied together, then hung upside down by their bindings off a big wooden pole. This pole was then paraded through the streets, with "gala queens", a marching band, police and many others. The noise made by the goose as it attempted to escape was clear for all to hear. It was at that point I decided I really didn't want to see any more, and left. I wish it wasn't true - it's one of the worst things I've ever seen in what purports to be a "civilised" country. If anyone does doubt this did really happen, I have video and photos of it.

Commented janineb in La Marina 2013-01-16 20:25:09 UTC

Whatever has happened to this council in such a short space of time. They had the best record for animal welfare and now probably the worst! My opinion is that this callous and open cruelty towards animals reflects their total disregard for the animal welfare laws and the public that they are supposed to represent!

Commented Sue in La Marina 2013-01-17 08:52:00 UTC

It's not just a "council"/politics issue - the parade started at the church. The priest was at the front, receiving the live animals whilst smiling. The same priest who, later on, will be blessing people's pets! Hypocritical or what? The police were there, clearing the way for the live animals on the pole. Families took their young children to watch. OK - I accept it's tradition. But NOTHING would have been lost from the event (other than the outright cruelty to the animals) if those animals had been humanely slaughtered BEFORE being strung up! All that parade did was re-inforce the spanish attitude that "animals don't matter" and, by taking so many children along, breed another generation that thinks it's OK to mistreat animals.

Commented janineb in La Marina 2013-01-17 09:58:43 UTC

You are correct,this is not just a council/political thing
But it is the Council that has arranged for the public to savour the taste of these dead animals by openly inviting them to a sort of party on Oasis to eat these chickens etc,who for some reason have to be so cruelly treated prior to being put to death.It is the council offices you have to go to to get your entry tickets,it is the council web-site that you find a message from the Mayor,wishing you a great time,It is the council posters advertising that is placed around San Fulhencio.
The amazing thing will be the Fiesta celebrating our local Saint,in which the Children take their Family pets to the Church and have them blessed outside the Church,which will be followed later that day by a mass of fireworks exploding,which will just about scare the s--t out of every animal that had been blessed that day.Sorry I fail to see the significance,am i one of a few to not understand,

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-01-17 12:10:02 UTC

I also went to the travesty in san fulgncio everything that has been said is true. I found it very hard to hold my temper. The sight of Children, the police, the priest, and the councillors, and the local band taking part in what is nothing more than blatant animal abuse disgusting!!!!
Why could they not cage the animals or humanely kill them beforehand there is no excuse for this kind of needles cruelty. The people involved should bow their heads in shame.

Commented rose in La Marina 2013-01-17 15:10:56 UTC

Don't forget the Spanish Inquisition started here and they did unspeakable things. Maybe they are starting up again.

Commented Peter Horsfield in La Marina 2013-01-17 16:25:35 UTC

I do not understand your comment (the Spanish inquisition). My opinion is that cruelty is cruelty wherever it happens and weather it is carried out on humans or animals. The year is 2013 not the dark ages. The actions of all the people involved were repulsive.

Commented rose in La Marina 2013-01-17 21:15:05 UTC

I want to post a couple of the video clips I have somewhere so everyone can see exactly what happened. But I don't want them posted in a "political" way. Has anyone got any good ideas of where I could post them? Even though the Mayor, the priest, Jeff W, the chief of police and, I've been led to believe, the San Fulgencio Councillor for Animals, were there, I just want to post the videos so everyone can make up their own minds.

Commented janineb in La Marina 2013-01-18 08:25:38 UTC

It seems I don't need to. Someone just gave me this link. Watch it through to the end and then tell me if you still doubt the chickens are alive!!

Commented janineb in La Marina 2013-01-18 09:16:11 UTC

Absolutely horrific,at least the Mayor and his cohorts including the priest enjoyed it as well as those who supplied these poor creatures.
You lot have become the lowest of the low,
I believe these creatures become part of the feast at El Oasis Saturday,I would like to say I hope all those who attend the feast enjoy themselves,but in truth I would like to find out a few were violently sick afterwards,I do love a bit of Karma

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-01-18 14:03:24 UTC

"but in truth I would like to find out a few were violently sick afterwards,I do love a bit of Karma"

In this case - me too Alan

Commented momo in La Marina 2013-01-18 17:35:59 UTC

I did see 2 young men videoing Thats just a sort clip it went on and on. no animal should be subjected to that. I felt really ill when got home.

Commented rose in La Marina 2013-01-18 21:06:17 UTC

It seems the video clip,could of possibly been arranged by the Town Hall,just to show what a caring place San Fulgencio is.The video clip plus many photos appear on the Town Hall web-site,further goes to show they have no shame.

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-01-19 09:02:24 UTC

Bunch of punks

Commented Andi in La Marina 2013-01-19 09:18:52 UTC

Well done to Janine and Rose for going to the "Donate An Animal" procession on Thursday and for bearing witness to what actually happened, the cruelty shown towards animals as seen in the video link is an insight into the mentality of the current Mayor and his councillors. Those that choose the path of arrogance, domination and cruelty must be held accountable!

Commented Roger in La Marina 2013-01-19 21:23:49 UTC

For once, I have to say I wasn't sorry to see the torrential rain and "gales" yesterday afternoon. What time did the "feast" start? Alan - I think they got their Karma!

Commented janineb in La Marina 2013-01-20 08:24:19 UTC

After watching the video and reading comments, I believe this is a political motivated situation.
The PP will do what ever it takes and needs to do to keep all of the San Fulgencio villagers on there side. Lets not forget the received over 1,000 votes from the village. That alone is probably enough to gain 5-6 council seats. Then you just look for the fall guy or offer them the best deal to join a coalition (PIPN).
When it comes down to election time, this Urb in truth counts for nothing, like I said it he PP need to do what ever they can to keep all of San Fulgencio village on there side. I guess this is the slow start of what the PP will start doing down in the village. Over next two years they will be doing a lot more stuff for them as the emptier this Urb becomes, the more important the San Fulgencio village becomes for the votes.
The PP and PSOE are the main Spanish parties in Spain. The PIPN ate probably doing a good job at the office taking calls, doing paper work but, what about the future of the Urb, what about drawing businesses to the Urb. The more places that close down ( because there will be more ) eventually the suma will start heading up and more local amenities will be closing because the people will just leave for another town. That is the realisation, and something has to be done now. Otherwise you will get to the point of no return and when it is to late, and you then realise s@it I should of acted then. It will be all to late.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2013-01-20 09:20:57 UTC

Did anyone actually check if this poster was put there by the town hall? The number of unsubstantiated comments on this forum are unbelievable.

Commented jaytee in La Marina 2013-01-20 09:41:16 UTC


I was by the bus stop yesterday before getting hit by the rain and the winds. The Bando was stick to the notice board next to the bus stop and it was signed off by the mayor. If I'm correct the local police stick the posters up like that.

Commented Andi in La Marina 2013-01-20 09:46:52 UTC

I have no doubt that janineb and Rose,are telling what they saw,The video of what happened in San Fulgencio,is on u tube,La Marina forum and also the town Hall web site, as well as this Forum Idoubt if anybody saw the Bando posters going up but i have no doubt they were authorised by this they were in previous years.
I thought the party was normally an afternoon thing but I was told it was an evening do.No matter when it was I hope it was cancelled,it has been cancelled before as the Bomberos thought it would be a fire risk in heavy wind,when that was the case the ticket holders were given meat to take home and cook

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-01-20 11:27:56 UTC

Jaytee - I too have seen the bando. The one I saw was opposite Euronics. And I can assure you the comments I have made here can both be proven by my date stamped photos/video and by the video you see on YouTube. All the comments about stringing up live animals by their feet and parading them through town are 100% true. My videos are, in fact, worse than the one I posted a link to. They were taken slightly later in the parade, and, as well as chickens, mine show a goose and a rabbit. Both attempt to get free and there is no doubt both are alive. Also, as the videos show the mayor, Jeff W, the police chief and numerous other officials, I think no-one can argue that these claims are unsubstantiated.

Commented janineb in La Marina 2013-01-20 11:29:23 UTC

you lot make me come to live in spain and then you try to dictate what is right and wrong..if you dont like their traditions or life style GO BACK TO THE UK OR WHERE EVER WHERE YOU COME FROM....if you are that botherd why do you not take legal action against the police and priest ect for taking part in a SPANISH tradition......let me guess because you are all spineless and want to hide behind this it or shut up or f**k off back lot make me ashamed to be british

Commented paula in La Marina 2013-01-20 14:08:35 UTC

Marie - If that's the sort of thing that makes you laugh then I suggest you visit a psychiatrist. And your comment is also rather offensive - which is, I guess, what you intended. I originally posted on this thread to give accurate information about what happened. I am fully aware that what took place was a spanish tradition - I have said so. If I were "spineless" I wouldn't have posted here in the first place. Please tell me what use there would be in denouncing the people that organised it - as they are the ones that would "judge" it. Get real, Marie. If YOU cannot say anything in a civil way or that is constructive then I think maybe it is YOU that should do as you suggest.

Commented janineb in La Marina 2013-01-20 14:28:14 UTC

Because it is a so called tradition,why cant it be questioned,Bull fighting was a tradition,but hardly exists now,as people learn that torturing animals,is not enjoyed by the majority of people.At least i looked into issuing a denouncia,but although i was told the san fulgencia debacle was illegal under article 632 of the criminal code,the subject of the denouncia has to be witnessed,and the denouncia made to seprona dept of the Guardia Civil.How true this is i cannot clarify,and as I didnt and will not witness at first hand animals or humans being tortured for no other reason than self gratification of the mindless few,I can only do what i am doing,and that is to make people realise just what happens under our noses,without us realising.At least that way we can make up our own mind,and not be told 'its traditional'

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-01-20 15:50:02 UTC

Alan - well said!

Commented janineb in La Marina 2013-01-20 15:55:02 UTC

as i said if you dont like it f**k off back to your own had plenty of notice that it was going to happen so why did you not attend to witness it??????to spineless and all mouth ....just a dozen people or so on here that are stuck up their own arses and have not got the balls to do anything apart from moan about the TRADITIONS of a country that they are imagrants of......prove me wrong...denunce the priest of san fulgencio and the police....i have footage of it if you want to use it......cannot wait till all the moaning old sad bastards go home or die.....but no you will just sit at home on your pc and moan about it.....GET A LIFE and let others get on with theirs

Commented paula in La Marina 2013-01-20 16:16:23 UTC

janineb......then why post it on a english forum.....try and post it on a spanish one ...and as i said like to hide behind your pc......go to the town hall or the police station lfmao would like to be a fly on the wall there ...........SAD LONLEY BASTARDS get a life and move back to the uk

Commented paula in La Marina 2013-01-20 16:23:10 UTC

Marie - If you do have footage of it, then I would definitely be interested in seeing it. Have you posted it anywhere? Or perhaps you might like to let me have your details so I can contact you to call by and collect it from you.

Commented janineb in La Marina 2013-01-20 16:27:02 UTC

SO if they were commiting a crime under article 632 of the criminal code why was the police attending ....if they was a crime they should have interacted !!!!! and not joined in

Commented paula in La Marina 2013-01-20 16:30:53 UTC luck .............and the chicken was lovely and moist and fresh.....and no i did not choke on it and i am a firm beliver in carma

Commented paula in La Marina 2013-01-20 16:37:34 UTC

Marie - I posted my original comment on an english forum in reply to a question raised on that english forum. I doubt the person that asked the question would have read my reply if I'd posted it on a spanish forum. As regards why the police didn't "interact" - they did. Very well. But I think you may have meant "intervene". In a country where jobs are like gold dust, I doubt any of the police there would have risked their jobs to stop their own Chief of Police or the Mayor. And yes - what was done was illegal. There are animal cruelty laws in Spain. But Spain also has a lot of unwritten rules which, if you had been here any time, you would be well aware of.

Commented janineb in La Marina 2013-01-20 16:40:40 UTC

so if you have been here for many years why is this the first time you have brought it up......we have attended the feast for over 10 years and no complaints untill you got a pc and found this forum.......SPINELESS ....why not organize a protest next year it starts about 9am in oasis park or even protest in the streets of san fulgencio 2 days before....i will be there to record it and post you getting had plenty of warning that it was going to where were you to stop it?
were were all you "friends" on here to back you up?
a few attended but done all are mouth i said if you dont like being a guest in spain F""K OFF

Commented paula in La Marina 2013-01-20 17:13:25 UTC

Marie - I think it's time you stopped being quite so offensive. It certainly is not needed. Neither is it big or clever.

Commented janineb in La Marina 2013-01-20 17:26:24 UTC

tried to get your link,give us a clue all I can work out is that it was at least a year old.
Also seeing as you seem to know about this tradition any chance of you explaining it to us

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-01-20 17:44:00 UTC

Hi janineb,
well done for standing up on the animal rights issue, it's quite simple the animals are in pain or they are not in pain,animal rights is world wide not just Spain,

we are not guests in Spain but residents on the urb in the EU,,you have no chance of having a sensible debate with the other one, there's always one,,,guess we all have a picture of her,red face,frothing at mouth,gobby,the language,no class.
you have your opinion,just ignore it, might be worth sending the vid to animal rights in UK [email protected] as we are in the EU, not much chance of giving the animals a voice here,, if it was not for people like you there would still be donkey's being pushed off towers,EU donkeys,
expect she will come back with another blast, ,,,,so here's my reply


Commented goonerpeter in La Marina 2013-01-20 19:08:50 UTC

goonerpete....who the F!!K are you red face here ....try the uk i think they have bigger fish to fry with the horse meat and the slaughter houses .......always go back to the uk for help.....
what about fox hunting that still goes on or is that ok because its british.....if you want a red face come and see me and i will give you one!!!!!but then that means getting off your arse and away from your pc
if you hate it all so much do something about it rather than slagging everybody off
same old shit on here if you dont agree with the few sad bastards..i will now be kicked off this site but i dont give a shit GO F!!K YOURSELFS you all need a fucking life and F!!K OFF out of spain.......and even if you are residant you are still a GUEST you thick bitch this is not your country of origin

Commented paula in La Marina 2013-01-20 20:16:25 UTC

then go and f!!k yourselfs some more

Commented paula in La Marina 2013-01-20 20:17:50 UTC

big decision to make,,, kettle just boiled,,,making cup of rosie lee,,,not sure whether to have digestive or custard cream,,, lovl

Commented goonerpeter in La Marina 2013-01-20 21:31:09 UTC

Thank you goonerpeter. Your comment made me smile. I think you deserve TWO custard creams!

Commented janineb in La Marina 2013-01-20 22:10:43 UTC

Cheers janineb,
This has been going on thousands of years so they think its right,,keep chipping away though,,,,UK animal rights are good though and would take an interest,some bit way out but same beliefs,,,,just having some dinner,reading the packet,,,,,,,,,,,,,Linda McCartney's sausages - spanish style
I love Linda McCartney's sausages, I think they are quite versatile and stay juicy and flavoursome whatever you do with them. I decided to cook them in some olive oil and balsamic glaze, spanish olives, red onion and chillies. I also used my tomato of the moment "the yellow baby plum tomato" I find these hold their form and sweetness when cooked. lol

Commented goonerpeter in La Marina 2013-01-21 00:28:38 UTC

Shame your foul language,and lack of knowledge of Europe,lets you down.Other people may of had a word in your favour.but not many people like foul mouthed people.
As for being kicked off this site,I doubt it,We need people like you on here,if only to prove that the rest of us are normal.The only down side is you really do not know what tou are talking about

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-01-21 09:13:36 UTC

Please let me know if anyone wants Marie banned or comments edited?

Commented Team ASL "A Spanish Life" in La Marina 2013-01-21 09:22:32 UTC

I think this topic has gone on too long now that it's boring. How about closing it?

Commented Carol in La Marina 2013-01-21 09:27:38 UTC

Reference Maria. Only needs a quick edit.

Commented Dreamer in La Marina 2013-01-21 09:29:25 UTC

Suggestion,Swear words edited so one knows the meaning,without the full spelling.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2013-01-21 09:30:18 UTC

I dont know that she ever wrote much on this site,but no I dont want her kicked off,I think the vast majority of people can take her for what she is and can laugh at her ignorance.
I doubt if she will appear on here very much anyway.If you ban her for her language and ignorance where do you draw the line.Let her be she will fade into oblivion anyway

Commented Alan in La Marina 2013-01-21 09:42:37 UTC

Janineb do not insult this person because they have no intelligence - they have to use foul language because they cannot think of anything else to say.

Commented violet in San Fulgencio 2013-01-21 16:10:40 UTC

After reading the foul language in your comments I wonder if your UK neighbours had a street party when you left and a whip round for a one way ticket

Commented hazel in La Marina 2013-01-21 16:45:52 UTC

Hazel, Yup they did, all her friends were there, it was held in an old telephone box, at the end of her street.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2013-01-21 17:55:49 UTC