
was reading the posts about what you all miss about the UK and someone said the seasons??? god that is one of the reasons why I am moving to Spain.....Is it not the reason why other people do?? how can you move to Spain and miss the seasons?? thats one of the major reasons I am moving.....

La Marina

Trust me. Summer here is great.........if you dont actually have to do anything. I love it on my day off when I can move at my own pace and get in and out the pool as I please. Working in it, now thats a nightmare, unless you have air con on all the time, but thats to expensive. So on the really hot days I miss england.

Commented Nikki in La Marina 2011-07-03 22:38:30 UTC

the 1st winter here you will find its not really that cold, but trust, once you have aclimatised, the 2nd winter will feel as cold as the uk lol, its what you get used to over the years, i now wear light jumpers, coat, jeans socks and warm underwear in the winter months lol x

Commented Celebration Cakes La Marina in La Marina 2011-07-04 12:31:15 UTC