Chimney Sweep

Can anyone recommend,or know of a Chimney Sweep in our area, thanks in advance, Robert

La Marina

We have had our chimney swept twice by Steve, phone number 625 750 952
Vey clean and tidy worker and doesnt charge a fortune
Hope this is of some help to yo

Commented hazel in La Marina 2012-10-28 18:09:03 UTC

Thanks Hazel, will ring him later.

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-10-29 07:24:08 UTC

Hi Hazel, I have tried to ring Steve on the number you gave 625 750 952 but it doesn.t exist, would you please check it is correct for me, Thanks,

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-10-29 14:19:06 UTC

Robert I am so sorry , I tried the number myself and also sent an e.mail but came back .Last time he came to us he was having personal problems so can only assume he has moved on.Looks like I will be looking for a chimney sweep as well , should you find one maybe you could let me know and vice versa.

Commented hazel in La Marina 2012-10-29 19:29:52 UTC

Will do Hazel

Commented Robert in La Marina 2012-10-30 14:11:56 UTC

In case you have not yet been fixed up.
I do general property maintenance in Javea, including chimney sweeping.

Commented Graham in Javea 2013-01-16 16:56:13 UTC